Thursday, October 16, 2008

Aspect of the Dragonhawk

Aspect of the Dragonhawk

"After further discussion, we're not crazy about the "stance dancing" that hunters need to do to switch to Monkey when someone is in on you in melee. As we've said a few times, Disengage and Deterrence should be your go-to abilities at that time. If anything, removing Aspects from the GCD makes it feel like you are supposed to go Monkey every time you're in melee.

Rather than revert the change, we are introducing a new spell!

Instead of getting new ranks of Hawk at level 75 and 80, you now get the new Aspect of the Dragonhawk. This powerful aspect combines all of the effects of Hawk and Monkey. Any talent or glyph that affects either Hawk or Monkey also affects Dragonhawk the same way. The idea is that you retire Hawk and Monkey at level 75 and go to essentially two Aspects: Dragonhawk for combat and Viper for mana regen.


- Ghostcrawler


I don't know what kind of further discussion happens at 5am on the West Coast that involves class development, but this is an awesome change. It begs the question why was hunter dodge rate nerfed in the first place, but if these changes go live, especially the +10% dodge bonus to Monkey that is in the link but I didn't copy/paste up there, this is a great buff. We now only switch between AotD and AotV. And I suppose in some PvE raids there might be a few encounters where AotB is viable?! Not important right now really.

Aspects off the GCD is major buffage by itself, and with a new aspect that combines our offensive and defensive abilities Blizzard has taken a small step towards making hunters a complete class. I say that because if you look at any other class they sacrifice their offensive capabilities with regeneration. Mages having to evocate instead of continuing to deal damage, or just any other mana user having to drink. Now just like those classes, both offensive and defensive capabilities are given up while regenerating mana.

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